Saturday, February 23, 2013

Echo Base now "IN-DESIGN"!

I'm glad to report that the software prototype of the new ECHO BASE device is finished.  I have a fully functional ECHO BASE on a breadboard with no attached computer or Arduino dev board.  It works great!  As you can see by the picture it's running off of a 9-volt battery.  I'm not sure if I should stick with that or use a 6-AA battery tray.  The AAs will last longer, I'm sure, but it's good to know it's functional like this.

I've also added a unique way to power on and off the base.  To keep people from cheating and resetting the base, I've added a 3.5mm phone jack.  With the plug in, the device powers down.  To turn it on, simply insert the phone jack.  I'll be adding a tiny green power light next to the jack so you know it's powered on.

Since all the software is completed, ECHO BASE has moved into the "IN-DESIGN" phase. This means I'll be working on the circuit board, mounting structure, user interface and final over-all look.  Things are moving quickly.  It won't look as fancy (or expensive) as other bases, but it should be a good economical addition to LTTO Lazer Tag!


Anonymous said...

Did you see the scorpion II grenade on the website you linked to? I know, not a base. But ever since I got to play around with a TMB and the laser rocket, I've been wondering how to make some homemade rockets/grenades that are compatible with the TMB (or even a stand-alone hand grenade!). Future project maybe?

Jammer said...

Yes indeed. I have many ideas on the drawing board, and a grenade-type device is one of them. If it works how I'm thinking, it will be much more functional than that Scorpion II device. Too early to talk about it tho - one thing at a time. The Echo Base is giving me some issues and need to focus on that. Thank you for your interest!

Unknown said...

Hello Jammer,

I am a LazerTag enthousiast from the Netherlands. A year ago I already succesfully used your Hit-light mod (with instructional video on youtube)
I must say that I am very impressed with your achievements on the Echo Base. Unfortunately for you I am not much of an expert in electronics, so I can't help you there. But I do want to let you know your hard work is much appreciated.
Are you planning on selling these Echo Bases once they are finished and where do I sign up? :-)

Jammer said...

Thank you E Miel! I'll most likely have a couple of methods available for people to own an Echo Base. Probably the easiest method is to provide a parts list and instructions on how you can assemble one yourself. I may be able to assemble some boards on my own and ship those out (however overseas shipping might be too difficult) - it all depends on what the final design will be. Stay tuned!