- which has been actually pretty intense. So I'd thought I'd take a quick timeout from coding on the Arduino to bring everyone up to speed.
ZOMBIE SENSOR - This project has been known as the FERAL IR SENSOR - it will get a formal name change soon. Last summer the "Mark I" version was used extensively at TagFest. I've been working on some updates to help improve upon the "Mark I" and it's looking really nice. I'll be making an announcement soon about this, along with a video to show off what's different.
ECHO BASE - While this device didn't get used at last TagFest, there's a lot of potential here. I've been improving the design and overhauling the code. The big addition I'm adding are RF radios to the devices so it can communicate with a central "hub" or "scoreboard" so people know which teams own which bases - and hopefully, for how long.
NOMAD - This is where I've been working the most this past week - updating the NOMAD code. This project is massive with over 2,600 lines of code! I had a major breakthrough this past week, re-writing the section that receives IR information. It is now MUCH more reliable. I plan on integrating this new code back into the ECHO BASE and the ZOMBIE SENSOR. The NOMAD has a lot more work ahead. If I can get everything running the way I'm envisioning it, the NOMAD is going to be really awesome. I can't wait to show it off - but first things first: work overtime to get the basics nailed down!
FUTURE PROJECTS - My brain is always chugging out ideas, especially when I come across something really cool and useful such as this little gem - the CMUcam5 Pixy! If I get the time, I want to see if I can turn this into an automatic Lazer Tag Sentry Gun. Very doable from my point of view.
So that's a quick rundown on where I'm at. Stay tuned! Great things are ahead!
Good to see you are still around, its always sad when a project "goes dark" so when this popped up on the feed I was quite excited!
Thanks for the comments. Yes, I'm still developing my ideas. I had to take some time off after TagFest, but I'm not going to let these projects go "dark".
Things are looking pretty exciting. Thanks for the update! Can't wait to see the new nomad, and I'm still really happy to know there are more ferals on the way.
Hi Mate,
The Nomad looks awesome. Have you thought of selling these - I would be happy to purchase a prototype from you and do some testing!
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